
As a healthcare provider, my absolute top priority has and always will be to provide a safe space for my patients, so I’m happy to report that my team and I are fully vaccinated for COVID-19.

So many of my patients are in the at-risk category or live with family members who are, and it was so important for me to do my part to reduce the risk of COVID transmission in our community. I’m so grateful for the amazing scientists and researchers who worked tirelessly to create this vaccine, and for our healthcare workers who continue to work on the front lines of this pandemic.

I want to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the steps we’ve taken in our office to create a safe and sterile environment that’s still friendly, warm, and inviting! 

In addition to our normal standard precautions, we are continuing to:

Screen for symptoms: We will check in with you 24 hours before your visit to ensure you’re feeling healthy. When you arrive, we will take your temperature in the waiting area before escorting you to your appointment.

Minimize person to person interactions: Upon arrival, give us a call at 512.782.0820 and wait in the comfort of your car, or knock on the window and we will let you in as soon as we are ready for you. Please note that our doors will remain locked during business hours in order to minimize person-to-person interactions.  

Adhere to PPE standards: Our staff will be wearing face masks and personal protective equipment according to CDC guidelines, and we ask that you also wear a mask when not seated for your appointment. 

Sanitize, sanitize, sanitize: We ask you to sanitize your hands upon entry to the office, and we will provide a bag and disinfectant wipe for your personal belongings. Before you meet with Dr. Paiva, you will be able to rinse with Peroxyl antiseptic mouthwash.

Go above and beyond: In addition to recommendations made by our governing bodies, we also have added a medical-grade air filtration system to keep our air clean and fresh. We also use UVC lights to ensure all viral particles in the air and on hard surfaces are neutralized.

If you have any questions at all about our COVID-19 policies, don’t hesitate to give us a call.