What to Know About Invisalign®

Have you heard? The Dental House now offers Invisalign! Our newest team member, Dr. Babineau, specializes in Invisalign® clear aligners. 

Read on for everything you need to know about Invisalign®!

What Invisalign® Is

First things first, what is Invisalign®? Invisalign® is a dental treatment that uses customized, removable, (FDA-approved, BPA-free) plastic aligners to straighten teeth. The process functions in much the same way traditional metal braces do, by applying gentle pressure to adjust the alignment of your teeth.

Here at The Dental House, Dr. Babineau will use 3D scans to create a custom set of aligners that perfectly fit your bite and gumline. From there, she will create a unique treatment plan that maps out the exact movements planned for your smile! Aligners should be worn 20-22 hours a day, and are typically replaced every 2 weeks to slowly move your teeth into place.

What Invisalign® Can Treat

Invisalign® aligners can treat most common alignment issues such as:

  • Malocclusions including overbite, underbite, open bite, and crossbite

  • Teeth crowding

  • Gapped teeth

They can also help with repositioning teeth that had braces in the past and have since shifted. Many people who had braces as teens find that Invisalign is an excellent and discrete option to keep their teeth where they want them.

Invisalign® Can Help Whiten Teeth

An unofficial perk of Invisalign® is that you can use it to whiten and align your teeth at the same time. While anything you eat can stick to your aligner and stay on your teeth, that means that anything you brush with can too! If you use a whitening toothpaste, the whitener will stay on your teeth longer for an extra whitening boost. The same goes for fluoride, which strengthens teeth.

Invisalign® is a Commitment 

Invisalign® is a comfortable, affordable, and efficient way to change tooth alignment, but it is also a commitment. Patients should be prepared to wear their aligners for 20 to 22 hours per day, and to be diligent about brushing and flossing. If not, the teeth may move out of place and disrupt the alignment process. 

Are you ready to get started on your Invisalign® journey? Call us today at (512) 782-0820 to schedule your personal Invisalign® consultation with Dr. Babineau!

The Dental House is your one stop shop for reconstructive and cosmetic dentistry in Austin, Texas.

Introducing Dr. Babineau!

Hello! Dr. Paiva here.

I am so excited to share with you that our team is growing! It is an honor to welcome Dr Lori Babineau to The Dental House Family.

Dr B brings with her a wealth of knowledge and experience from years of building and running a successful dental practice with her husband, John. Coincidentally we all three graduated from the same dental school…Go Jumbos!

Dr B’s passion and genius is in Invisalign. If you’ve got questions about how to straighten your teeth with clear aligners, give us a call today!